Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas trip!

Well here is my own little version of a Christmas Story. Thankfully I won't repeat it for the next 24 hours!

Packing was tough - Mommy and Daddy stressed over what to pack for weeks before we left but they now have a better idea of what and how to pack for a the trip! We left on Tuesday and I was very good in the car, which Mommy said helped because the trip was longer than expected. I only had one meltdown but what do they expect when the car stops moving. It went something like this: Hey, the car stopped moving. Wow I'm hungry. WAAAAAAAA!!!! Daddy was in the rest stop getting Roy Rogers so Mommy started feeding me. They switched off when he got back to the car so that Mommy could grab Starbucks. The meltdown only lasted a few minutes. I figured I'd cut them a break. ;-)

Since we left later they we expected (that happens a lot now a days) and I had the little meltdown, we didn't arrive at the hotel until after dark. We got checked in and the room was really nice! It was a suite with a mini-fridge for my formula, a microwave, a sofa and desk area...very nice! Good job, Mommy! It also had two different bathrooms which Daddy thought was funny. Does the toilet really need its own room? Daddy was really excited that there was a Wawa next to the hotel. He really misses Wawa. Mommy went and got sandwiches for her and Daddy for dinner before we all went to bed. The bed was huge so I got to sleep between Mommy and Daddy. It was sooooooo much fun!!!

Wednesday, we headed to Grandma and Grandpa B's house for Christmas! I got to meet G-ma (Grandma's mom) and my uncles, Mark and Mike, and cousin Taylor! Uncle Mark's fiancee, Jenn, was also there. Everyone wanted to hold me, and I was a very good boy. We all exchanged gifts and ate dinner together and hung out. We had a great time and it was so much fun to see everyone. I also got some really fun presents. I love Christmas time!!!

Then we headed back to the hotel. On Thursday, Mommy went for the free continental breakfast (excellent!) before we went to Grandmom and Grandpop H's house. Grandpop talked Mommy into parking in a spot that had too much snow. Silly Grandpop. He said her car was like a snow plow because it is too low to the ground. Daddy and Grandpop pushed the car out and Mommy found a better parking place without snow under I-95...that was impressive considering the city had almost 24" of snow several days before! When I was here, I got to meet Uncle Jonathan, Great-Grandmom H and Grandmom and Grandpop H on Thursday. We had fun hanging out and everyone wanted to hold me there too. I should have earned frequent flier miles!!! Daddy got to eat his seafood - shrimp and snow crab legs, which Grandmom finished cooking before we got there (Mommy was happy there was no fishy smell!!!). Mommy was also happy that she got to take a nap! Grandmom was pretty excited most of the cooking was done before I got there so she could hold me lots!

Late that night, we headed to a new hotel...We weren't as happy with this one - I don't think we'll be staying there again! It was right near 2 other hotels Mommy and Daddy had stayed at before and really liked but this one was an extended stay hotel. I think they will try one of those again next time. This place was bigger - the suite had a full refrigerator, stove, etc in the mini kitchen, although Daddy was a little scared of the stove. It didn't look very safe! We didn't even consider turning it on.

On Friday, we woke up and headed back to Grandmom and Grandpop H's house. On this day, we exchanged gifts and ate more! Daddy of course was very happy about both. :-) I also got to meet Uncle Chris, Aunt Jill, cousin Chris, and great Grandpop D! I saw so many people! I don't know how I will keep them all straight. :) So many people were taking pictures of me all week - hopefully I will get to see them all sometime! Daddy also took a video of me with Grandmom and Grandpop's camera. It hope it doesn't show up on YouTube 15 years from now. :-)

We had to leave Friday night and go back to the hotel and get some sleep so Mommy and Daddy could drive home safely on Saturday.

We got a later start then we had hoped (I know you're shocked.) The weather way yucky! It was a cold rain but my car seat was warm and comfy. We stopped to get some gas and Daddy got Wawa one last time for the ride home. We hit a lot of traffic which was not fun. Mommy said that it took us way too long to get home. I was good though - I went 5 hours before I was hungry! Mommy and Daddy stopped at a rest stop so that I could eat and Daddy stayed with me in the back seat on the rest of the way home. We got home and I am happy to be here! I was laughing at Daddy run around the house because he only had 45 minutes to unpack and get ready to work the Capitals game. After we got back from dropping him off at the Metro, Mommy and I relaxed. I had a great trip but it's nice to be home!!!

Monday, December 28, 2009

7 weeks old - update!

Well, it's been awhile since I updated... sorry about that. The last 2 weeks have been pretty hectic - Mommy had a birthday and then we packed up for our trip to NJ/PA! But we'll post about that later. For now, we wanted to update you on some of my developments!

First of all, I've developed tear ducts and my tears have come in. This makes Mommy very sad when I cry and tears come out now! But it's good for me :) I've also started drooling! Where this came from, I have no idea, but it's started in the last few days. Mommy also noticed yesterday that I have lower eye lashes! How cool! I guess they help catch my tears?

I have also started to eat a little more. I'm still eating a bunch of times per day, but Mommy is hoping I am going to eat fewer times since I am eating more at some feedings. I am mostly eating 4 oz each time, but sometimes I want more!

Mommy and Daddy are also getting a lot more smiles and I recognize them all the time now :) I have started to laugh at times, but mostly in my sleep - Mommy and Daddy think that is hysterical! I hear them laughing, but they don't know it!!! hehehe They are starting to learn more about the carseat to get me in and out easier, too. It's been a great learning experience for them!

That's it for now... we will post about the trip later! Thanks to everyone for reading about me! Mommy and Daddy can't believe I'm 7 weeks old already!

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Mommy's birthday yesterday brought us 18" of SNOW! This is my second snowstorm! We stayed inside (except for Daddy - he went out early in the afternoon to clear the steps and clean off Mommy's car) and cuddled and napped and watched TV! Mommy made pancakes for breakfast, and baked some cinnamon bread and chocolate chip cookies later.

As good a job as daddy did cleaning off Mommy's car, the only thing you can see on it is a side view mirror and her windshield wipers, which he lifted up so they don't freeze. No one can believe the amount of snow we got! It's VERY white outside!

Hope everyone enjoyed the snow and stayed safe!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

5+ weeks!

It's been very fun since we last posted! I've been smiling A LOT and I am VERY CUTE! Mommy and Daddy have been noticing my new noises and grunts (one of which they call my Fire Breathing Dragon face) and trying to figure it out. I've also got a lot of new faces I'm making at them! I'm so fun!

Mommy and Daddy get lots of mail these days with Christmas cards and packages arriving. This past week I got some mail too! I have three cards that are my very own! Mommy said she will have to put them in the baby book when the holidays are over :)

We filled out more pages in the baby book this week. Mommy and Daddy ordered lots of pictures for it and the house and can't wait to include me in the family pictures around! The pictures arrived today, but there are so many, they are trying to figure out where to put them all.

Daddy took some more pictures and a couple of videos too - I'm losing some of my hair, but they tell me it will grow back :) Mommy may try to post some in a separate post... it seems when she uploads them, it knocks out the internet and they have to run upstairs to reset it!

We went to Babies R Us last night for a quick trip, but the bright lights hurt my eyes. We bought a Wee Block for when we change the diaper! Mommy and Daddy have been using it for less than 24 hours before it needed to be washed... I get poop everywhere. We also started using some new Huggies today - Snug & Dry I think they are called. They have Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters on them! They are very cute.... it's too bad I will poop in them!

That's it for now - see you next time!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Happy 1 Month Birthday!

Today (12/9/09) is my 1 Month birthday! (Mommy is posting this a bit late)

I slept most of the day, napping with Mommy and Daddy in between feedings. I ate like a champ today too!

Tonight we had bathtime, and then I waited until I had a clean diaper on to poop in it. Mommy was distraught. I manage to do this to her about once/day, hehehe.

The big news is that during Tummy Time yesterday, Mommy put me on my tummy and I rolled over to my back ALL BY MYSELF! Tummy Time is my favorite part of the day :)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Mommy guilt

I was scratching my face all up, so Mommy thought she should clip my nails. The fingernails went fine, but when she clipped the one on my big toe, she also got some skin! It was bleeding all over the place. So we rinsed it off (who knew toes bled so much?) and put some Neosporin and a gauze pad on it. Then we covered it with a sock. Mommy kissed it and made it all better, but she still feels bad. I tried to smile at her and tell her it was ok, but she is still a little sad...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Just past 3 weeks...

This post is a mish-mash of things from the past week that we've forgotten to post...

Forgot to mention that Grandma picked up a swing for me... I like it sometimes! It has a picture of Pooh on it, which matches my Huggies diapers!

Yesterday (er, Monday) I was 3 weeks old! Hard to believe I was still in Mommy's tummy a month ago! Seems like just yesterday I was only 2" long...

Daddy put together the activity mat and I love it! Mommy is going to help me put a picture of it up on here so you can all see it! I like to sleep on it (and spit up on it too) sometimes. The bear's nose lights up and he sings to me, and I can reach up and hit the penguin and alligator with my fists!

We've been doing tummy time on the boppy everyday too. I like it, but I only last a few minutes.

Last night we had our first outing in the stroller - to AC Moore. It was a quick trip, but good! Daddy needed some things for school & Mommy wanted to look at some things too. It was a good experience for Mommy & Daddy to see how all the logistics work!

That's all for now!

PS - Happy Birthday, Grandma B!