Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Ok, so it's a little late, but how cute am I? I'm playing peekaboo with Daddy in this picture.

This next picture shows the back of the special outfit Grandma and Granddad got me - it says My 1st St Patrick's Day! The third picture shows the bib a little better - it says Kiss Me I'm Irish!

My first pair of Chucks!

When Grandmom and Grandpop came this past weekend, they brought me my first pair of shoes - Chuck Taylor's! (I won't be able to wear they for awhile because they are too big, but Mommy thought her friend Troy would really appreciate this post :) )

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The week after...

The week after my dr's visit was eventful! Mommy and Daddy thought that we were getting new windows on Monday, but since the weather was bad, the men decided to come back on Tuesday. On Monday, I was really fussy all day, and Daddy called Mommy and asker her to come home early from work so that she could help with me. I was running a fever, so they gave me Tylenol at 8:30pm, and I did pretty well until about 11:30-12midnight. So they gave me more Tylenol at 12:30 and I went to sleep soon after that. Mommy called out of work on Tuesday to stay home with me, and give Daddy a break since it was his birthday! The window guys came back and gave us new window, and of course there were problems with the way the previous owners replaced the windows before - they didn't remove the original frames, so there was water damage, and we had to have the handyman come and fix the window sills. After dinner, Mommy and I gave Daddy his cards from us and his present from us (Mommy got him a subscription to The Hockey News and also stayed home today!!). Here's a picture of the picture frame I got for Daddy :)
Last week, Mommy was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease, an autoimmune disorder which affects the thyroid. But now she's taking medicine, and she's feeling a little better. She goes back to her doctor next month to see if she needs to change the dose of her medicine.

Friday, March 26, 2010

It's been awhile...

Let's see, since the last post, I've been to the dr, Daddy had a birthday, St Patrick's Day came and went, Mommy and Daddy had an anniversary, Grandma and Granddad B came to visit and now Grandmom and Grandpop are here!

So on Friday 3/12, I went to the dr. Our doctor had gone home sick, but another one came in to see her patients. Mommy made the mistake of not doing all her homework before approaching the doctor about an alternate vaccination schedule. So, we ended up getting most the recommended vaccines: Rototeq (oral for rotovirus), Prevnar (shot 2 of 4), and the Pentacel shot (combines Hib, IPV and DTaP). The one she agreed to postpone was the hepatitis B shot, which he will get at his 9 month visit.

Stats from this visit:
  • weight: 14lbs 15oz (50th percentile)
  • length: 25 1/4 inches (50th percentile)
  • head circumference: 16 3/4 inches (75th percentile)

We also talked to the dr about sleep training (she gave us an article, but recommended we set a time frame to get him sleeping in his crib), told her we started him on the soy formula, and also asked her about giving him more than 4 oz at a time (she said we could try it and see what happens). We tried the 6 oz the next day (Saturday), but he spit up probably 2 oz of it. Then we tried about a week later and he only spit up an ounce. Maybe we'll try again in another week or so, but for the most part, he just gets 4oz of formula (with 1 tsp of rice cereal) at each feeding. The dr also gave us a paper on starting solid foods. There will be a separate post (with pictures!) on that. :)

Note from Mommy: That weekend was also daylight savings time. Didn't really affect sleeping times, he was just cranky/fussy all weekend. On Monday, he was running a fever of 101.9, so we just took a layer of clothes off to cool him down a bit. He was better by Tuesday.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I'm 4 months old!

Well, Mommy has been finding it difficult to get this updated since she's been back to work full time. She and Daddy have been having fun watching me discover new things lately:
  • I can see things and grab them purposefully now - well, most of the time!
  • I am much more stimulated by visual things rather than audio ones (which has basically been the case since I was born!).
  • I still LOVE to stand!
  • Mommy and Daddy bought me a tray for my Bumbo - and the first thing I did was figure out how to remove it!
I go to see the doctor on Friday for my 4 month checkup - which will include some shots. Mommy said we're going to talk to do the dr about an alternative vaccination schedule so that I don't have anymore than 3 vaccinations going in me at once.

We started on soy formula last week to see if that would help with my gas issues - it seems to be helping! The last time we saw the dr (2/15), she recommended we start adding rice cereal (one tsp) to each bottle (4oz). This seems to fill me up a bit more, since I can only have 4oz at a time due to my reflux issues. Mommy and Daddy are looking forward to when I grow out of that!