Monday, February 15, 2010

Dr followup appt

Today we went back to the doctor's office to follow up on the reflux issue. Since we weren't seeing much of a difference with the Zantac, she decided to give us a prescription for Prevacid, but we're not supposed to fill it for a few days. Instead, we are trying a teaspoon of rice cereal in my bottles. Oh, and my new weight is 13 lbs, 10 oz today!

I also got a bunch of new toys over the weekend, and Daddy took pictures! I got a Monkey that sings, an Oball, Sophie the giraffe, a tray for my Bumbo... look at all my stuff!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I'm 3 months old!

I'm 3 months old today! Can you believe it?

We have had a lot of snow in the last week! It snowed last weekend, and this past weekend we got 28 MORE inches! Tonight we're getting some too - up to 14 inches MORE! I have not been out in the snow, but I've watched a lot of it from the window. Unfortunately, Mommy and Daddy now have an unplanned waterfall in their bedroom.... they keep saying how this is probably going to cost them a lot of money (unless the condo association is responsible because it's coming from the outside, or the insurance company covers it).

Mommy and Daddy have noticed that I've been trying to sit up more! They also put together my jumperoo! It's SO MUCH FUN! As soon as they can figure out how to upload a video, they will show you my first time in there where I am laughing my head off. :) It was a blast!

I smile at Mommy and Daddy and we all talk - they don't understand me most of the time, but I'm trying, and so are they! We have fun together, and we've been spending lots of time together since all this snow is falling! Mommy has tried to go back to work full time, but has only made a full day once or twice due to all this weather. I was supposed to go to the dr tomorrow for a followup check for my acid reflux, but due to the storm, I won't be going until Monday. Mommy and Daddy should have more stats to post then.

Keep warm everyone!