Friday, December 31, 2010

First Year birthday Pics

I'm blowing this popsicle joint!

Mommy wants to compare this to my senior portrait

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Catching up - October

I had first of 2 flu shots (the 1st year you have to get 2, not sure why).   I am definitely testing my  balance and ability to stand without holding on to anyone/anything. I try out new sounds all the time and will babble to myself for awhile sometimes!

I got that 8th tooth Mommy knew was coming in!  Now when you look at me you can see all 8 when I smile!

I am trying to walk - I take 2 steps or so and plop down - and it's so funny - I laugh and laugh!

I went to play with other kids twice this week - Mommy said it was interesting to see me react - one boy kept taking every toy I started playing with, but then his arms got full and I finally had something to play with.  His dad kept telling him to share, but he didn't want to.

I decided I will be Mickey Mouse for Halloween - I tried on my costume and saw myself in the mirror, and I like it! Mommy and Daddy just need to order something for my arms and legs now so I'm not too cold.

The movie Cats and Dogs with the animals talking - is SO FUNNY!!!  I laugh and laugh and laugh!!!

By the 25th, I was  trying to walk - taking up to 4 steps now and then falling.  My least favorite word is "no", I doesn't like to be out of sight of either Mommy or Daddy, and when they are both home, they both need to be in my sights at all times!

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Catching up - September

September highlights:


I turned 10 months - aren't I cute???. I walk if someone hold my hands, and I’m definitely cruising along the furniture. Mommy thinks I may be cutting another tooth too, with the way my mouth is like a waterfall. I can point and cross my fingers (only on one hand), roll my tongue (sideways!) I like Special K cereal – I like to eat whatever Mommy’s eating.

I’ve been giving them a hard time going to sleep. I don’t like the word “no” at all. Sometimes I cry when they tell me that. I also scared them by climbing up 3 steps – hehe!

Mommy and Daddy are having a hard time figuring out how to put the stupid childproof locks on the cabinets! Daddy had a championship game for hockey too, and he didn’t win, but I had fun. The one girl who comes to watch her boyfriend play – I liked her. She had long red hair. I crawled around for awhile, and then went up to her and crawled up to standing at her knees. She smiled at me and talked to me! Then she picked me up – Mommy couldn’t believe I let her hold me so long. Then she tried to give me back to Mommy at the end of the game when it was time to go, but I like her – I didn’t want to go! Then we went outside, and Meg brought her dog and I petted it and it licked me! She licked my face and I laughed! It tickled. So fun!

I went to my first birthday party – Happy Birthday Caroline! It was at Gymboree. We got there late b/c I took a late nap that day. We started a new session of swim class, and I got to be an example! I am walking very well up the ramp at the pool to get out now!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Catching up - July's end and August

By the end of July, I discovered that I LOVE avocado! I got my 6th tooth, and I’ve been really clingy.

I am pulling up to standing pretty regularly, trying to cruise but not quite there yet, hate getting my diaper changed – I roll over on the changing table - it's like a wrestling match. I eat some regular solid food now, stage 3 jarred stuff, but I’m more a savory flavor guy, I don't like sweets! Mommy says she’s not sure we’re related.

I also don’t like it when Mommy or Daddy go away – they call it separation anxiety, and I’ve recently started biting, but they keep saying “no” when I do that.

In August, I could pull to stand regularly and I crawl using my knees now (not just commando style). Then I could walk a little if Mommy or Daddy hold my hands and walk behind me – it is FUN!

I also like grapes (but now Mommy knows why they say to peel the skins!) I am also very good at eating cheerios and puffs by himself (although hot and cold on purees, you just never know).

I still have problems with the separation anxiety – Grandma and Granddad were here over the weekend and I wouldn't go to them much if at all – I only want Mommy or Daddy.

Grandma and Granddad came to visit me another weekend, and Grandma came to swim class to take pictures this time! We used lifejackets today in the beginning of class and I didn't fuss about putting it on - and I floated on my back all by myself in it for awhile! I was also reaching for the wall and holding on to it today (which I have not previously been doing).

I also discovered that I can scream/screech at random times and everyone looks at me! Everyone says I startle them. Here is my 9 month picture: