Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Random June notes

It's been nice outside around dusk, so Mommy and I have been going outside for short periods of time to blow bubbles on the porch!  At first, I didn't know what these were, but then I realized I could catch them and they would disappear.  How FUN!!

I've also started commando crawling (with my tummy on the ground like a soldier!) and I get faster everyday!  Daddy once accidentally knocked over his empty Gatorade bottle, and that's now my favorite toy to chase around on the floor!  Towards the end of the month, Mommy and Daddy had to put away the CDs and DVDs and their racks because I thought it would be fun to use them to pull up on, but they said it was dangerous.   Mommy and Daddy had installed some gates last month, but they were leaving the gate part open because I couldn't really get there, but now they keep them closed so I can't get anywhere to get in trouble!

Mommy said she's been waiting for this other milestone - when I sleep on my tummy, I stick my butt in the air.  She thinks it's funny, but I don't get it.

Also towards the end of the month, I started to figure out how to sit up - I am on my tummy, I get on my knees  with my butt in the air, and I rock forward and back, then turn my hips to sit on my butt.  I'm really trying to get this to work, but I have trouble pushing my body off the ground with my hands.  I LOVE to sit up, but Mommy and Daddy usually have to put me that way.  I did manage to get back up once, but I was pushing off Mommy's legs. I will figure it out someday!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

We miss you Grandpop D!

After we took my 7 month picture and posted it, Daddy's Grandpop passed away.  We went up to PA for the funeral and so that we could be with family.  Here is a picture of me with Daddy and his Grandpop.

He was sick for a long time, but it is still very strange that he is gone.  Mommy and Daddy miss him very much.  He talked about me all the time!

During this trip, I was all out of sorts - napping 30 minutes here and there.  They introduced me to so many new people and we were at a bunch of different places.  I knew something was up because everyone seemed sad, so I tried to be good.  I took my bottles when I was supposed to, but sleeping in the hotel was scary because they didn't have any nightlights there!  So Daddy bought some one day at Target.

We also met up with some of Daddy's friends - BJ, Brian & Leslie and their kids, Clark (who is only a week older than me!) & Chloe - and Uncle Jonathan and Khara!  It was fun to meet Clark! We watched the Phillies game on these HUGE TVs at Champps and ate some good food!

Here is another picture of Mommy and Daddy with Grandpop D shortly after they got engaged!
  We miss you!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

7 months old!

How cute am I?  I am laughing like crazy here!  

I love my Mommy and Daddy!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Gated in

I finally learned how to creep further and further, so Mommy and Daddy decided it was time to gate me in!
They ordered this cool playyard for me.  Look at all my toys!  They put it on top of those mats so that it doesn't slide around.  I like it because I don't have to chase my ball or other toys as far, LOL.
Mommy also ordered these gates and extension to keep me in the living room.  So far, I don't mind them.  It's been fun to crawl around everywhere.  The other day, Daddy left his empty bottle of Gatorade on the floor, and I batted it.  I ended up all over the living room chasing that bottle.  Daddy said my hands were too little to grab it and that's why I couldn't catch it!

Memorial Day weekend

We started a bedtime routine the week before Memorial Day.  First we take a bath in the little tub - I play with my rubber ducky and the cup Mommy uses to wash/rinse my hair!  It is fun.  I am such a big boy that I SIT UP in the bath everynight now!

After that, we put on jammies and a nighttime diaper and Mommy reads me 2 books in my room.  Then we will go get a bottle - sometimes we will sit downstairs with Daddy and sometimes we just have it up in my room.  I drink the whole thing, and I usually fall asleep.  But when I don't, we listen to the music from one of my toys and I curl up and fall asleep on Mommy and then we go to bed.

On Memorial Day weekend, Grandma and Granddad B came to visit me!  They came on Saturday and Mommy had me all ready to go to the pool.  Here are some pictures of me all ready to go!  Like my hats???

I LOVED it! It was great! We went to the big pool and we were in the little pool for a bit too.  I like watching the kids play and splash, and on Monday we went back and I splashed too!  Here I am sitting on the chair for Grandma!

After swimming on Saturday, we all went to Outback and had a yummy dinner.  I of course wanted to eat anything on the table that I could get my hands on, but Mommy said no.  She did have some peas for me though, and I ate those while Grandma cut her food and she ate a little at a time.   On Sunday, they came over again.  We were going to go to a basketball game, but I was really tired and cranky, and we decided to stay home.  I had a fun weekend though!

I've also been learning how to move around!  I'm "creeping" to get forward - like a commando crawl on my tummy where I use my arms to pull myself forward.  I'm trying to use my legs, but I can't figure out how to get them to work when I want them too yet!

old post

I have still been teething a lot.  I chew on everything I can put into my mouth.  Mommy and Daddy try not to give me the Tylenol more than once/day.  I have a few teething rings that are kept in the refrigerator, and this toothbrush thing Mommy bought that I really like to chew on!  I really just want to be close to mommy and daddy most of the time though.

The other night, there was a HUGE noise outside when I was sleeping!  And there was light!  They told me it was a thunderstorm with thunder (the boomy noises) and lightning (the quick light flashes).  I did pretty well.  I just watched it and woke up when it was too loud, but I didn't cry!

I have been turning on my tummy - can go in a complete circle, but usually I just go backwards when trying to go forward.