Tuesday, May 18, 2010

2nd tooth!

We have 2 teeth!  The bottom right one came through last night. 

We'll try to get a picture as soon as he lets us!  YAY!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I grew!

We had my 6 month checkup at the doctor's yesterday.  She was very pleased!  We saw the same doc that we saw at the 4 day checkup/consult.  We really like her!  Here are my new stats:

I weigh: 17 lbs 4oz (50th percentile),
I am 27" tall! (75th percentile - this is a change from the 50th), and
my head is 17.5" in circumference (75th percentile)!

I also - have a TOOTH that broke through!  Mommy and Daddy didn't know b/c I'm not fond of letting people look in there - that place hurts - leave me alone, people!  I bit the dr's tongue depressor in half while she was trying to look.  She was happy that I was eating one "meal" of solid food per day, but suggested we start 2 - adding one in the morning.  The doctor also said I could have Mum-Mums (Mommy's friend from work brought her in a pack so I could try) - we tried these the other day - I was very excited about them because I could hold it and put it in my mouth and no one yelled at me!  However, it didn't go very well b/c a piece broke off and didn't dissolve right away and I started choking on it.... so we'll wait a few weeks or so before we try another one.

Mommy and Daddy (who didn't go because he is still sick - his new antibiotic makes him feel like he's drunk!) were hoping the doctor would increase the dose of my Prevacid, but apparently that doesn't go by weight like most other medicines for me.  But she did tell Mommy that instead of 1 tsp of rice cereal in the 4oz bottle, we should put 4 tsp in it. So Mommy tried to refill the old prescription, but it only had 10 days worth left - not 30 days worth - but it said I had 1 refill - who knew things could work this way??? CRAZY.  So Mommy will have to call the dr on Monday to get another prescription for me. 

Mommy convinced them to only give me one shot, so we get the Prevnar when we go back in 2-4 wks.  We had the Pentacel and the last dose of the oral Rototeq.  I was very good last night and today I've been very chill and just want to relax... so we're guessing it was either the Prevnar or the combination of vaccines last time that made me so miserable. 

We tried carrots the other day, and oatmeal is a go too!  We're expanding our food intake! This morning we tried mixing a little apple in with the oatmeal, and that went well.  So we'll just watch for the reaction from that. 

Tomorrow we are going to watch Daddy play hockey outside!  Getting some Vitamin D!  Maybe I'll get to wear my cool new hat.  

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy 6 month Birthday!

No one can believe it's been 6 months already.  Or is it only 6 months?

How CUTE am I??????

Well, since we never got around to updating with the 5 month picture, that's in here too :)

Mommy and Daddy have noticed that I'm getting lots of eyelashes lately, and that my hair is coming in faster too!  I am practicing sitting up, but I can't quite do it for very long by myself yet.  I prefer to be standing anyway!  I'm also getting agitated when people don't play with me all the time!  Mommy and Daddy are hoping this is a phase, but aren't sure.  We go to see the doctor for the 6 month well visit on Friday, so hopefully we will get some answers then.  We're also hoping for an increase in the Prevacid dose!  I think I can have Motrin now too, but since the recall, Mommy only bought the generic Tylenol.  She has to get the generic motrin yet.  

We just got a new camera today, so hopefully it will be easier to catch some of my smiles!  See you all later!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Uncle Mike called this morning from Basic Training - he said he's done with Basic and has started AIT - he wished Mommy a happy first mother's day!  We also talked to Grandma this morning, and she and Granddad were taking Gma to Outback for lunch for Mother's Day.  More about Mother's Day later!

The other night, Mommy bought me a Nap Nanny, and I've been taking a few of my naps in it.  I like it ok.  It keeps me at an incline to help my reflux.  It's basically a big piece of foam to help position me while I sleep.  I also like to use it as a recliner to watch tv :)  Here's a picture:
Daddy and I got Mommy some cards for Mother's Day!  She was very happy reading them!  We also got her a book called Baby Laughs... Jenny McCarthy wrote it - the same woman who wrote Belly Laughs, which is a book Mommy read when I was in her belly :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

They used me as a model........

So Daddy had this project to do for school, something about a self-portrait in a parody of a movie poster. So Mommy and Daddy dressed me up and put this silly hat and Mommy's sunglasses on me and took a bunch of pictures with that thing with the bright light. They even tried to make me sit up by myself, but I just kept falling over and Mommy would sit me back up. Then I threw my head back and hit the wall, so they decided it was time for the Bumbo.

I still think I look pretty darn cute :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hockey and a correction

We went to go see Daddy's hockey team play in the championship game tonight! They lost, but I cheered for the Nutcrackers! :) Daddy wasn't playing because he still wasn't feeling great from the weekend. I was still cute though!!

We had another successful meal of squash tonight!

and Mommy didn't realize it, but my Jumperoo is still at the same level, it's just the Exersaucer that was moved up!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Catching up, part 1

We will try to fill in what happened since we last posted...

We had Easter at home - Mommy hid plastic Easter Eggs for Daddy (since neither of them eat hard boiled eggs), and I had fun watching Daddy look for them! I could see most of them, but Mommy told me not to tell him where they were - Daddy tried to get me to tell, but I didn't! I was a good boy!

I had lots of Easter cards and everyone loves me! And I love them! Happy Easter!

The next weekend (4/10), we went to visit Grandma and Granddad B, but I had a meltdown on the way there, and we got stuck in traffic, so we stopped at Grandmom and Grandpop H's to wait out the traffic. I was a cranky baby and didn't want anyone but Mommy or Daddy to hold me. With all the delays, we never made it to see Grandma that night - we went straight to the hotel. I am only good for about 2 hours in the car - then I am DONE. D-O-N-E done. I must be out of the car. When we finally made it to Grandma B's the next day, we had lunch and then I had some presents to open! I got summer clothes and some new toys!

Until this point, I was not very good at eating. The dr had told us at the 4 month appt in March that we could start solid foods, but I wasn't even having much of the rice cereal, I really just wanted the bottle! So Grandma showed Mommy how to feed me while holding me, rather than having me in a high chair. It was fun! I ate that whole tsp of cereal in a hurry! Later than night, Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, Granddad, G-ma, cousin Taylor, Uncle Mark and Jenn all went to a dinner for Grandma, where she got an award for volunteering! YAY! Before they left, they took me over next door to meet Donna, and she watched me for a few hours. She seemed a little overwhelmed by all the stuff Mommy brought, but she didn't need most of it. My teeth weren't bothering me much. We played and her kids and husband came home from dinner and played with me too. I had fun!

Mommy didn't realize until later that I never got to see G-ma that day. We were sad. Sorry, G-ma - we will make it up to you next time!

The next day, we went to Grandmom H's and I took a nap over at Charlotte's in her pack and play. It's a good thing she has that for her grandkids, Chloe and Clark. It was a nice place to sleep. Thanks, Charlotte! Then I hung out with Mommy while Daddy and his friends watched the hockey game. They scared me when they cheered because it was so loud - I was crying - I didn't know what was going on! I calmed down eventually and then Grandmom took me for a walk in a stroller they borrowed from cousin Bobby. Mommy and Daddy learned the lesson of not going anywhere without a stroller! Then Mommy and Daddy had dinner out at Champps while Grandmom and Grandpop watched me :) We left the next day to come home - we were all glad to sleep in our own beds!

More later...

April showers bring May flowers!

What a HOT weekend! It's beautiful to look at - in the 90s today! Wish the pool was open.

Mommy hasn't updated in awhile, so we're going to hit the highlights from this past week.

-I do NOT like bananas
-I do like squash, peas, and sweet potatoes. I believe carrots and green beans are up next ;)
-I have been doing great with eating!
-Daddy has moved both my Jumperoo and Exersaucer up to the next level! I am growing! No books needed underneath!
-I survived a night with Daddy while he was sick and Mommy was out at a pre-retirement party for one of her professors from college
-Today I was having some tummy time on my mat,and I spun myself around in a complete circle! I was actually trying to reach something, but I couldn't get to it and just kept spinning myself around :)
-The past couple of weeks I have visited both of Daddy's college classes so the students and professors could see me - they've all been hearing about me since I was in Mommy's tummy, and they wanted to see me in person. I did not disappoint! I was a smiley baby and loved them all!

Mommy is putting together her list of questions for my 6 month doctor's appt, which will be in a couple of weeks. I will be 6 months old on Mother's Day! Mommy is very happy about that!